Pelosi Now Guilty of Articles of Impeachment

After declaring the impeachment of President Trump on two Articles of Impeachment, Abuse of the Powers of the Presidency and Obstruction of Congress, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic House leaders threatened to delay transferring the documents...

The Missing Link in Today’s World

Devo America is at a crisis point, potentially on the crossroads to civil war. Recent surveys indicate that 70% of Americans are thinking this way. What’s happening in Virginia even now proves the survey. Not a good indicator for peaceful sweet sleep. At one time...

Shield of Strength is Worth the Fight

Since the attacks on September 11, 2001, many members of the military have had the option to wear a “Shields of Faith” dog tag during the deployments to Afghanistan or Iraq. This “Shield” is designed to go alongside the actual dog tag...

Comprehensive Sex Ed Expanding in Scope

Lately in the news there has been a great deal of controversy over what is being taught in public schools when it comes to Sex Education. There is indeed a disconnect between what Christian Conservative Parents want taught and what Humanist Progressives want taught to...