A Name Too Sacred

A Name Too Sacred

      “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my ways,’ declares Yahweh.” — Isaiah 55:8   The New International Version of the Bible, and other versions, translate the Hebrew tetragrammaton YHWH as LORD. This revealed...

Who is Waging War for the Soul of America?

  On Tuesday, November 8th, North Carolina voters will determine which party holds the balance of power in the state’s highest court. This will have major implications from how congressional voting lines are drawn to the ‘constitutional right’ to slay innocent...

Kairos Passing Quickly

  In June, we wrote of our experience at Harvard Law School graduation where New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s commencement address sounded much more like an expository sermon advancing religious secularism than a keynote address befitting a college...

A nation’s glory lies in its righteousness

Jesus cites the Book of Deuteronomy more often in Scripture than any other Bible book. He resists Satan’s temptations by defending Himself by quoting from Deuteronomy. Yet, writes Dr. Bruce K. Waltke, the 91-yr-old foremost living authority on Old Testament wisdom...

“People with a capacity for pregnancy.”

Law professor Khiara Bridges giving false testimony that men can birth children before Sen. Josh Hawley and the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. UC Berkeley School of Law professor Khiara Bridges’ testimony before the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee last week was...

Masking of America to Break the Will

  If you are between the ages of 20 and 40 your risk of dying from COVID-19 is the same as your chance of dying from playing football. If you’re between the ages of 15 and 24 you’re more likely to be fatally afflicted by falling down the stairs than by COVID-19....