Yesterday the shipment of BIG BOOKS arrived from the trucking company! 5,000 pounds of books are now safe in storage. No boxes were damaged and we are breathing a sigh of relief that the books are finally here and we can begin the process of preparing the books for shipping. Ben has 1,000 books to sign and number!

This would be a great time to remind everyone to double check their shipping address at the Indiegogo/Grrrgraphics account you created. If you moved or are planning to move soon, your address needs to be updated. You can let Tina know at

The next steps are preparing the books, (signing and numbering, stickers) packaging and shipment to contributors. This will take time, but we will get them out the door as soon as we can. We are ahead of schedule as we were expecting to ship in September.

We will update you when we get close to the actual shipping date.

Thank you for your patience and the BIG BOOK looks fantastic!

Ben and Tina Garrison

You can see more Ben Garrison cartoons at his website