Young men are struggling more today than ever partly due to feminism and discrimination. Photo courtesy Freepik.


For the sake of our young all the hate directed at males must stop!

A recent poll conducted by the University of Michigan “Monitoring the Future” has given a glimpse of a new and exploding gender gap between men and women in political views. This poll showed that that the percent of high school senior boys who identify liberal fell from 25% in the mid-1970s to only 13% now. Conversely the share of those boys who identify as conservative rose during the same period from 17% to 26%.

Completely reverse of boys, high school senior girls went from 23% to over 31% identifying liberal, while the percent of conservative girls is at only 13%. According to the State of American men (2023) report, “Boys and young men increasingly embrace conservativism as a reaction to (hyper) feminism” and “Too many younger men believe feminism has gone to far”.

 With diminishing marriage rates, diminishing birth rates, and diminishing children raised in a two parent home, this gender gap portents a bleak future as it is brings further disunity. It’s time to end the progressive anti-male agenda and bring stability and unity back to the sexes.

Most have seen egregious examples of the rising anti-male rhetoric various areas of life being influenced by the left, including corporate media, entertainment, academia, and even government. The continual use of the term “toxic masculinity” and “the patriarchy” describing traditionally masculine characteristics has reached a boiling point among boys. Hyper feminism is diminishing the role of men and yet the left continues to applaud.

Psychotherapist Thomas Kersting, who has counseled countless young people to form unique insights had this to say about the report: “12th grade boys are kind of seeing through (anti-male stigmatism). We’re creating this idea that if you’re a male, there’s something wrong with that and that you’re bad, then you have politicians out there saying, like, the number one problem in America is White men and things of that nature… I think young, 12th-grade boys are kind of seeing through this… Everything is about advancing women and minorities and so forth, I see this a lot at my private practice. A lot of young guys are falling behind. They feel like they can’t advance. So there’s nothing really there to help advance them because the idea is that men have always dominated, which is partially true. And we want women and everybody to advance, but we can’t do it at the expense of another group.”

 I suspect that beyond the anti-male rhetoric pushed in High School and beyond, the boys also know what’s happening is the next step of education. The last time males were at parity with females in higher education was 1982. By the mid-1980s a reverse gender gap favoring females had developed and has widened ever since. Senior analyst and author of ‘End of Men’, Stephen Vincent-Lancrin noted this dynamic was “the strangest and most profound change of the century.” Within a couple decades women came to outnumber men as undergraduates 60%-40%.

In addition to many years of a 60-40 majority, by 2012, 65% of women completed their undergraduate degrees, while men were only at 59%. Alarmingly, a whopping 78% of those who dropped out of university due to COVID-19 were men.

At this rate we should expect to see two females to every one male in college soon. Additionally, those pushing this anti-male agenda have given women far more options in higher education than men. One example is that while women have the option of dozens of all-female colleges, only three all-male colleges remain.

As Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Economics Dr. Richard Vetters insightfully wrote: “Young men increasingly feel colleges don’t want them. Professors and student activists rant about ‘white male privilege.’ Colleges are trying to literally throw prominent dead white male alumni off campus, taking their names off buildings or even removing statutes… The diversity and inclusion bureaucracy on campuses… go out of their way to promote women as well. Men may be increasingly viewed by incoming college administrators as necessary evils, cash cows to help pay the bills. As a consequence, some young guys are perhaps saying ‘the hell with it, I will get a good job in construction’”. Ironically, the left-leaning media influencers continuously stigmatize non-college graduates and yet then become upset and adversarial towards non-college (particularly white) men who now vote overwhelmingly Republican.

It’s time to tilt the pendulum back to the middle and stop the left’s continued demonizing of men and masculinity.  It’s not right for us to wait and put the burden on those young men facing the brunt of demonization. It’s time for America to demand boys be encouraged in their masculinity and as protectors and providers. Just as girls have been encouraged, assisted, and pushed (at the expense of men) for decades. Manhood, as with womanhood, is a unique gift from God and essential to the creation and defense of America. Men and women are meant to complement each other and create strong families. Families raising the next generation of girls and boys in unity and love.


Bill Connor is an Orangeburg, S.C. attorney, Army Infantry Colonel and author of the book “Articles from War.” The Standard newspaper is available in print and online. You may find videos available on at TheStandardSC on Rumble. The bulk of TheStandardSC video media channel has been censored by dominant social media groups like YouTube. YouTube, owed by Alphabet (Google), removed and destroyed almost all of our video work without permission or remuneration. That has stopped all potential donations from our many supporters on that venue. If you want to continue to see independent thought and reports please “like”, comment, share with a friend, and donate to support The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.

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