Why should you care about Medical Freedom in the United States? I tend to have a strong stance on vaccines and their efficacy and you might not agree in part or at all with me.

Is it all just about these crazy anti vax hippies or is there more to it?

Who here has a long term medical issue that you finally got somewhat under control or at least found a path to more comfort? What if the government told you you were no longer allowed to take that treatment and instead have to use something else that doesn’t help and has severe side effects?

Who here has an aging loved one who battles illness? What if the government mandated they were last in line for Healthcare because of their age?

Have you found chiropractic helps you or a certain supplement has helped strengthen your battle? What if the government says you may no longer take them or makes natural health products like vitamins illegal to sell?
What if you learned you could not get your life saving medications until after the “important people” and wealthy got theirs?

What if you learned a so called preventative treatment contained human DNA derived from aborted fetuses or that the additional ingredients had a very high occurrence of traumatic brain injury, heart attack, or sudden death, BUT… you are now required to take it or you lose your job. You are required to allow it to be given to your children or you will be investigated by CPS and charges of child neglect can be brought on you and possibly even removal of that and all your children from your custody?

What if?

What if I told you this is already beginning and in some cases, in some states already happening for a while? Would you feel as an American citizen your rights were violated?

What if I told you this is what medical freedom protects you against?

Now would you say it’s important? Government should never have control or say in our Healthcare.

In a nutshell the number one job of government is to ensure our liberties as written in the Constitution of the United States of America.

So….what if?


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