Colette HarringtonRecently, Politico had the nerve to run an article about Trump not building a wall and mocked the deal with Mexico. The left has gone so far off the socialist deep end they no longer see the obvious: Trump now has officially built a wall and Mexico is paying for it. It’s called a military wall and it’s paid for by Mexico. Ha!

They left refuse to see the obvious including the Mueller report that said “no collusion.” But here’s the catch: The document was actually written as a guideline for impeachment. News Flash: This means the Democrat leadership no longer believes in the Constitution which includes your right to vote and they are conspiring to commit a crime that our Constitution forbids. By the way, Mueller just recently hid the computer of a child pornographer that was on his investigation team. His star witness, Nader. Where’s the media on this? Can you imagine if someone on Trump’s team sexually abused children and he hid the information? Bombs away! Where the hell is the press on this?

The Democrats are no longer a political party but a group of socialists running a shadow government and looking to seize power. They control the mainstream media and are officially an enemy to our Republic. We are at war. A civil war. We are watching it play out in the media. They are trying to convince voters to unite over Trump hatred and overthrow the government by removing a seated President. If you support this action you might as well rip up the Constitution.

Make no mistake that the Democrat party is as big a threat as any foreign invader. Especially if you believe the US should be a Republic. That is not their goal. They want to abolish conservatives and free speech. They want controlled media (goal accomplished for the most part) and to go after any person or entity that disagrees, and to keep conservative voices off of college campuses. In some places in America, you can’t get a job if you are a conservative. Silicon Valley is not interested in your tech skills if you are a conservative. You are unwelcome. Is this America?

I was watching TV and someone smeared an ice cream cone on a Trump supporter’s face in England. It looked violent and the crowd laughed and cheered. That’s pretty freaking scary. It happens on this side of the pond too. Our leadership is being booed out of public places like restaurants. What next? Restaurant with signs that says: Liberals only! Conservatives are unwelcome. Even a teen boy was punched in the face by a grown man for wearing a Trump hat.

The left also is going after anything Trump-related. They throw people in prison just to teach others a lesson: “Agree or be destroyed.” They go in search of crime and even raid legal counsel’s offices. The message is clear: “Bow down to our way or we will break you.” And they’ll even go after your children and business associates too. How can a conservative in politics—that’s not rich—survive? Look at what they did to General Michael Flynn. They even threatened to go after his son and the General couldn’t afford to fight back, so he plead guilty to false charges. They are abusing their power and bullying conservatives into submission.

I don’t know how Democrat voters don’t see it? Their party is an enemy to their own Constitutional rights. They need a tea party revolt!


Colette Harrington is the author of Newport Wedding Belles and co-writer of the film, Only God Can, which was released at the box office to outstanding reviews. She hosted the TV show Sweet Carolina and has worked in talk radio.