When the United Nations classifies a population of people under the United Nations Declaration of the rights of indigenous peoples, it affirms that indigenous people are equal to all other peoples, while recognizing the right of all peoples to be different, to consider themselves different, and to be respected as such or else.

The Tohono O’odham Mexican People, cousins to the Arizona Tohono O’odham Native Ameri- can People with the help of the Mexican Govern- ment, are changing heir Mexican citizenship sta- tus from Mexican to a rec- ognized United Nations indigenous peoples under the United Nation Human Rights International laws and Protection Act.

What does Mexican Immigration law have to do with Arizona’s border wall and our National Security? EVERYTHING!
The Tohono O’odham people of Mexico are relatives to Arizona To- honor O’odham Indians, at the southwestern border area of Arizona. Relatives on both sides are gearing up for a fight.

Arizona Social injustice organizations believe that warring and line drawing this Indian Reservation has been colonized, homelands separated between Mexico and Arizona under the 1854 Gadsden Purchase deal.

Relatives on both sides were displaced and In- Indian religious traditions are broken. Arizona Tohono O’odham people say a Border Wall would prohibit easy access into the Nation of Mexico, as accustomed for many years of free-flowing border crossings and religious exchange with Mexican cousins and relatives.

The San Miguel Gate is the entry point at this Arizona Indian Reservation. Dividing loyalties on this Indian Reservation among Indian Veterans tell a different story. They want a border wall but many are afraid to speak out tricky Jurisprudence. Many live on the outskirts or in other towns law say and what do we care about what the United Nation thinks?

In accordance with United Nations laws say building a border wall would violate International laws under the United Nations declaration on the rights of Indigenous Peoples and n implementing action may be necessary, by whatever means possible, fighting words. Now ask yourself this question, is the Mexican Government colluding with the United Nations against our Arizona wall? Most Tohono O’odham peoples believe because of the proximity to the border and half its territory being in Mexico, this has led to their reservation being an entry point for a drug cartel and human trafficking, but still, refuse to support a border wall. Another Indian Reservation at our borders is called the Pascua Yaqui Tribe. The Yaqui also feel trampled on. Once, rival enemies, the O’odham and Yaqui’s are now working together against a Border wall, with the shepherding hand of a
U.S. Congressman Raul Grijalknown VA. A member of the La Raza Aztlan Unida Political party trouble follows him. Whatever happened to taking an Oath to form a more perfect union, and to secure the liberties of freedoms? Both Nations have become exceedingly wealthy with casino monies, their people still live in impoverished areas in our State. The Secure Fence Act (SFA) gave the U.S. Government the power to waive any laws that could possibly interfere with the construction of the border wall. These two Arizona Native American tribes will seek legal recourse for their grievances and with the help of the Mexican Government and the United Nations. International courts and agencies will advocate
for their lands which will be one of their recourse actions. One of the resolutions these Arizona tribes are seeking are equal to that of the Jay Treaty of Canada, where indigenous
peoples can have free travel across International Canadian borders lines with the U.S. In the 1700’s the United States and Britain signed a treaty Grijalknown as the Jay treaty allowing aboriginal tribes free travel over the United States Canadian border. The two mentioned Arizona tribes seek the same resolution or else. The Tohono Nation has made it clear they will not comply with an International wall at their border.They are threatening another standing rock standoff demonstration, Global ramifications, and mass resistance.
It will take thousands of human hands to stretch across Arizona’s, all 1,954 miles, excluding the maritime boundaries of 18 miles in the Pacific Ocean and 12 miles in the Gulf of Mexico.” Will it be necessary to close all roads leading to the reservation for the million man wall demonstration? Will our military be on standby for possible military intervention.

So much to think about. The only solution I see is that a secured San Miguel Gate gives access to neighboring tribes and also curtail the drug flow and threats of human trafficking at that Indian border. God Bless the United States of America. Edna San Miguel recently declared her candidacy for Arizona United States Congress for 2020.