These forces swore to defend my home nation from enemies ‘both foreign and domestic’ – and those who foment coups and steal elections in my homeland and abroad certainly qualify as ‘enemies’


Legendary Special Forces (Green Beret) hero, Christopher C. Miller, has been appointed Acting Secretary of The Department of Defense by the President, following the sacking of Mark Esper.

I just watched the ceremony and announcement of this momentous move on the Hallowed Grounds of Ft. Bragg in my home state of North Carolina, where monuments to Special Forces heroes past, stand in remembrance.

Only a handful of insiders knew this move was coming, and Mark Esper—fired Secretary of Defense—was apparently not among them, though I’m sure he suspected his sacking was on the way.

In fact, Esper might be considered the enemy for publicly opposing the president’s use of The Insurrection Act of 1807 to put down the Marxist BLM/Antifa/Democrat riots over the summer with military forces—if needed.

The president never invoked this centuries-old Act, but Esper outed himself as a Sleeper for the Deep State with protestations against his boss—over something that never happened—which served the Marxists well.

But the jaw-dropping moment for me, was just before Special Forces Legend, Chris Miller’s speech, when the young man introducing him came to the podium.

I was just writing about him—former Undersecretary of Defense, Ezra Cohen-Watnick—and I did a double-take. It was the same man in my script.

Without getting too deep in the weeds as they say, this brilliant young man began his career in the only Constitutionally recognized intelligence force in America—Office of Naval Intelligence—which I found so interesting.

The man we believe to be ‘Q’—Ezra Cohen-Watnick

He was then ‘trained’ in Defense Clandestine Services and by the CIA in ‘tactics’ (I now believe to observe them), then moved to work in the Defense Intelligence Agency under Lt. General, Michael Flynn—all within about a decade after puberty.

He’s that smart, so when General Flynn became Director of National Intelligence and moved to the White House, he wisely brought Ezra Cohen-Watnick with him.

Deep State hacks who prompted General Flynn’s ouster—including President Trump’s Chief of Staff, Red-loving H.R. McMaster—also tried to have Cohen-Watnick removed, but President Trump would have none of it.


Obama Globalist and retired General H.R. McMaster stands in front of the Chinese flag. No US flag is visible and is very unusual for an United States General to allow a photo of this type. 

President Donald Trump knows talent—and this young man went to his alma mater, University of Pennsylvania—so perhaps he had his eye on Ezra.

Trump refused staff recommendation to fire Flynn’s protégée and moved Ezra to check out the Department of Justice—which many including myself believe was to keep an eye on Jeff Session and the hapless gang there.

His mission was not a job, in my opinion, but to gather evidence for what appears to be this very moment in history—a Reckoning with the Deep State.

Born in 1986, this brilliant young man at the age of just 34, is the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence—and was, in my opinion—symbolically chosen to introduce the new Department of Defense boss, Chris Miller, to send a signal to the rats that their days are numbered.

And he introduced this guy—a no nonsense legend:

Christopher Miller, will be protecting the president and our nation from enemies, both foreign and domestic—which seems to be a very long list

So let’s connect some dots—but not in order.

Recognize the lady who has fought relentlessly for justice for general Michael Flynn—and seemingly knows more about Scytl and the Democrat vote fraud than anyone? That’s a clue.

Here’s Clue 1

Attorney Sidney Powell is a relentless warrior whose shaking voice warned the Deep State Thursday before Thanksgiving in Trump’s litigation team’s press conference that she would ‘release the Kraken’ on them for what they had done to her country.

This fine lady was visibly and audibly upset by what she had just witnessed.

So what had Sidney Powell seen that the others had not? We’ve got a clue for you.

Attorney Powell has taken on the Deep State like none other, and is doing all of this on her own—not being paid by the president or his campaign—yet clearly knows more than any of the president’s own attorneys about what actually took place with the international ‘switching’ of votes to elect Biden.

More forbidding to the bastards hiding in the dark, Sidney says she has ‘the receipts’ now to prove it.

And from what we’ve discovered from our sources here in Europe, we believe her, as CIA insiders have admitted providing her the goods—because she was protecting General Flynn—but we have nothing from Ezra Cohen-Watnick.

He is invisible and incommunicative—perhaps a wise choice as the most pursued man on earth.

Lt. General Flynn has been so corruptly and terribly destroyed by the Obama Department of Justice, the Courts and the Deep State, that it is amazing he is still alive—but it is doubtful he could have been the source for Sidney Powell, as he has been precluded from involvement by those who tore up his life—over nothing.

Yet we’ve been warned every step of the way what was coming by this thing called Q-Anon, yet no one knows who this is—or even if such a person exists.

We now think we know, and may God protect him.

How many Flynn protégées have waded through all the Swamp puddles and know where the snakes, alligators, lizards and frogs nest?

Just one—Ezra Cohen Watnick—General Flynn’s chief protégée.


Clue 2—again, not in order

While everyone in DC disavows ‘Q’ and Social Media now bans its very mention, I noticed only one man who acknowledged Q and publicly took an oath to its cause—General Michael Flynn.

Don’t believe me? On Independence Day this year (July 4th), General Flynn and his entire family took the WWG1WGA oath with him. “Where we go one, we go all”.


Now it makes sense that a pathetic ridiculous little Obama District Court Judge in DC (the Not-So-Honourable Emmet Sullivan) was violating law and Constitution to prevent General Flynn’s case from being dismissed!

They can’t afford to have him loose and back in Trump’s Second Term—because he has the knowledge of how to destroy them all.


Clue 3

Sidney Powell used the term ‘Release the Kraken’ to describe what she is going to do to the Deep State Democrat and RINO scum—and most thought she was referring to the legendary mythological octopus-like giant.

But she wasn’t.

According to the CIA’s own information operations centre

“Kraken is a Department of Defense cyber warfare program that tracks and hacks other systems to acquire evidence of nefarious actions of other nations and enemies.” (Hat tip to Pam Geller Reports)

But we now know that the SCYTL server seizure was from a secret operation in Frankfurt—actually controlled by the CIA.

It appears the CIA partnered in the Obama scheme with his mentor, George Soros, the CCP and Globalists seeking ‘the Great Reset’, which is Marxist-speak for an overthrow of the U.S. Government—and its president—to “fundamentally transform the United States” as Obama promised.

So who in Sidney Powell’s orbit could possibly know about the secret CIA hacking program “Kraken”?

Was it just a coincidence that she used the one term that might let the rats know she was on to them at last Thursday’s presser?

And if her source knew the term, might he also have access to the program to hack and track the hackers?

If he were the man over all intel—oh say like Ezra Cohen-Watnick, her client’s Number One—he either knew about it and had access to it, or the lowlifes were breaking the law and he caught them red handed.


Clue 4—Again, not in order, but relevant today

So, who always shows up at just the right moment to save the day like the Lone Ranger and Tonto–even if it’s before the crime?

Imprisoned by Deep State operatives of multiple nations, Julian Assange did it—just like he did before the 2016 election— giving our president the ‘win’ in a projected Hillary’s landslide—by dumping the Democrat’s own e-mails proving election fraud, in their own primary.

Another dump was made on March 7, 2017, which made the predicate for this news this week:

“Wikileaks has dumped 8,761 CIA Documents on Tuesday revealing CIA base in Frankfurt #Germany which was used to hack elections incl “malware, viruses, trojans, weaponized ‘zero day’ exploits, malware remote control systems and associated docs.->

The leaks purportedly revealed that a top secret CIA unit used the German city of Frankfurt as starting point for numerous hacking attacks on Europe, China and Middle East.

German daily “Süddeutsche Zeitung” reported the building was known to be home to a vast network of intelligence personnel including CIA agents, NSA spies, military secret service personnel, Department of Homeland Security employees and Secret Service employees.

“It reported the Americans had also established a dense network of outposts and shell companies in Frankfurt.

It appears the CIA was using the same foreign data center to hack the US elections… and got caught.”


Now it all makes sense—and explains why the coup players are going nuts.

Brutalized by the Deep State thugs, Julian Assange remains defiant. Social media has shut down any mention of this (This writer is ‘banned’ from Twitter for even talking about it).

The press is whistling past the graveyard ignoring the evil spirits they have themselves created and conjured.

The dirtbags in government and Establishment Republicans who will profit from the Great Reset to World Marxism are saying “Perhaps we should just ‘move on’.”

Not a chance as long as the 80 million of us Americans who were just robbed have had our say.

We may lose, but not without a fight—perhaps even a real one.

The CCP is more nervous than a pregnant nun at Confession, and the Soros Foundation and Dominion Software sports have taken leave of office(s)—which were coincidentally in the same buildings.

Odd, no?


So we near the endgame

And I’m not sure that any one man on earth can defeat the billionaires, power-mongers, Marxists, Globalists, Islamists and general filth arrayed against we the ‘deplorables’—even Donald Trump.

And it’s not only us, it’s the European lovers of their own nations and the billion plus Chinese who suffer under the CCP as well as their neighbors down under who will be consumed.

They all agree with us.

When one throws in the largest democracy on earth, India, one begins to understand why the Soros/Davos jerks are shaking in their Guccis.

Trump’s opponents—both foreign and domestic—have openly and notoriously flaunted the laws to steal an election in my home nation, and we have the evidence.

They are definitely enemies of the United States and its Constitution—but also of all free people.

I’ve listed hard evidence of the fraud for a week, so don’t give me the tired CNN line ‘but there’s no evidence’.

When 71 of precincts out of just one city (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) have more votes than voters (up to 350%) that’s all one needs to know.

When this fraud is precisely repeated in six Democrat stronghold states using the same methods and the same Tech Oligarch’s cash (Zuckerberg), it is a coup d’etat.

The court challenges presently deployed will give my home nation a chance to allow the ‘system’ to correct itself and reverse this theft of America by Marxists who plotted this a century ago under President Woodrow Wilson.

But if that process has also been compromised beyond utility by the Marxist forces within and without, then the perpetrators should be arrested by Special Forces—whom I now believe report to ‘Q’.

Those proven by affidavits and other evidence to have directly participated in this plot to deprive America of its choice of presidents should be arrested on charges of treason.


That includes the Social Media Smurfs

These four men are as evil as George Soros—and maybe worse

They gambled and lost. They forgot Rule #1, “If your plan is to kill the king, do not miss”

The traitors include not only these Oligarchs—our new ‘Robber Barons’—but Wall Street Globalists and the Grand Master, admitted Nazi-Collaborator, George Soros.

The indictments should include the CEOs of Big Media, the Democrat Party, RINOs who suckle at the teat of big government and thrive on endless wars, CIA participants, military officers and security forces on the wrong side, as well as the Department of Justice and FBI who played such a willfully blind part—or participated.

All—should be arrested, tried, and sent south—to Guantanamo Bay—so this never, ever, happens again.

As an interesting note from my law days, the criminal code, Title 18, made “Misprision of a Felony”—not telling when someone broke the law—one of the first four, and not telling about treason qualifies.


Here is the law under which all Democrat Party hacks and operatives should be charged:

“Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”

18 USC §4

My suggestion to you miscreant traitors is to call Sidney Powell right this moment and join the choir.



Howell Woltz is an American author living in Warsaw, Poland, whose work focuses on America’s system of justice and the negative effects of Progressivism on free nations and their people.


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