Photo courtesy of National Herald of India.

Debating about the cost of electric vehicles…Aside from the high cost of the vehicle, here are a few more things to think about…

Don’t forget to add about 6-8 thousand dollars to install a home charger for the car….and don’t forget to add in the increased electric bills (which go up as the price of gasoline and others fuels go up). And make sure you also add the price to have a gasoline powered car for long trips, because you can’t drive electric vehicles on long trips (no battery chargers where you need them). Also, include the price of the generator you must take along on the chance that you get caught in a traffic jam on a freezing day, and your battery goes dead trying to keep you warm. I know…gas powered vehicles could run out of gas in that situation…but can you hitch hike to a gas station and bring back a charger for your car?

And don’t forget the black outs and brown outs the power companies will impose (times the power companies reduce your ability to get electricity to your home because the power grid is too over extended now, much less when more people have electric vehicles).

Listen, the low cost electric vehicles are fine when you just run errands around your town, but as a “only vehicle” in your family, it will not work. Liberals never tell you that to have an electric vehicle, you must always have a gas model also! Unless you are a hermit, electric vehicles only will not work! And if you have both, the gas model will require more upkeep than one being used all the time (fuel additive, recurrent “trips to keep it broken in”, etc). A parked vehicle will deteriorate much quicker than one being used.

And I drove to MAINE from SC and back, last week… I would have had to add three to four days to get there in an electric vehicle just for all the charging times, not to mention the extra motel charges for the nights… which have to be factored in to the price of the electric car!

Reality is a hard thing for liberals to talk sensibly about…

And it is always great knowing that when you buy it, you will get about 100 – 200 miles per charge, but three to four  years later, that capacity is reduced by half…never talked about when factoring in the cost! A three to four year old electric vehicle has twice the charging price of a new one!


J P Richardson is an investment adviser with Richardson Financial Services in South Carolina. He may be reached at 803-300-9286, 833-790-4285 or via email at: