The mysterious and dark Georgia Guide stones once called for population reduction in alignment with Malthusian ideology–the Cult of Death. The cult not only wants to reduce birth, but reduce the population of those living by whatever means including euthanasia of old and young, assisted suicide and ‘health care’ options proposed by wealthy despots.


Thomas Malthus was a British economist of the late 18th and early 19th century whose writings became famous for their concern over the dangers of overpopulation. A pessimist, Malthus believed human population would always outstrip the ability of food production to keep pace, inevitably resulting in scarcity, famine, and death. For Malthus, the only way society could enjoy prosperity and happiness was through limits on population growth.

Malthusianism was long ago discredited as a viable economic theory because subsequent developments in agriculture, industry, and technology proved that such fears of population growth were completely unwarranted. Improved farming practices, seed science, and new technologies permitted more and more food to be produced by a smaller number of farmers on fewer acres. In the United States today, for example, less than 2% of Americans are employed in agriculture, compared to 70% in 1840. The number of farms today is about 2 million compared to 7 million at the height of the Great Depression in the 1930s. The horn of plenty produced just by American agriculture has enabled Americans to be the best fed people in world history, despite a population that has itself nearly doubled since 1960. In fact, the United States alone produces so much food, it has to be exported and the problem most farmers normally face is falling prices due to overproduction.

This abundance of food holds true for much of the rest of the world. According to the United Nations, global malnutrition rates dropped dramatically, from 15% in 2000 to 8.9% in 2019. This occurred as the world population increased from 6.1 billion to 7.7 billion, an increase of 26%.

Yet, despite the facts consistently discrediting and undercutting their thesis, the so-called “Limits to Growth” crowd persists in predicting gloom and doom until the world’s population is brought to heel.

Whether it be Stanford professors like Paul Ehrlich, computer trillionaires like Bill Gates, or would-be world rulers like the King of Davos, Klaus Schwab, human beings and their capacity to “be fruitful and multiply” is viewed as one of the greatest crises which ever faced humanity. In fact, in 2010, Gates gave a speech in which he bemoaned the fact that the world population was 6.8 billion and on the march to 9 billion. He said if we do a “really great job” on “new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services,” that number could be lowered by 10% to 15%. That would mean reducing the world population by up to 1,350,000,000. Gates actually said this and the video is still up on YouTube.

In 2017, NBC News published a commentary entitled “Science proves kids are bad for Earth. Morality suggests we stop having them.” The thesis is that having children impacts climate change by increasing the so-called “carbon footprint.” So, it isn’t just cow flatulence that is increasing CO2 emissions. It’s babies too! Aside from the fact that there has never been any conclusive scientific evidence that man is mostly responsible for climate change (which used to be called “global warming” until the econuts discovered that there was just as much “global cooling” going on in parts of the planet), the very idea that the globalist ruling elites are still clinging to an old, repudiated theory by a long-buried British economist is concerning. It’s not just concerning, it is reflective of a deeper, more disturbing obsession with controlling the world’s population.

Whether it’s Agenda 2021, Global 2000, or the pronouncements of the World Economic Forum or the Club of Rome, the world’s leading totalitarians are determined to dramatically reduce the number of people on earth. Many nations have already been doing this for decades. Communist China, for example, with its one-child and forced abortion policies. In fact, most Communist dictatorships seem to like abortion-on-demand. Maybe it makes the number of people more manageable for ruling them. The United Nations, of course, has long been funding contraception and abortion policies on the black and brown people of the Third World, whom they consider “useless eaters.” And, the United States government has long subsidized these UN policies, except perhaps under President Trump.

Bill Gates, of course, has been a major funder of Planned Parenthood and its chain of abortion mills across the country. And, so has the U.S. taxpayer, especially under Democrat administrations, like Senile Joe’s. The Supreme Court in 1973 did its part in its infamous Roe v. Wade decision, eliminating 63 million unborn children who not only would not have been a burden on our economy, but a boon to it by boosting our GDP and potentially saving the Social Security system from bankruptcy.

It is curious that Gates mentioned “new vaccines” as helping to lower the world’s population. Wouldn’t you think it would be the opposite? Wouldn’t vaccines make people less vulnerable to certain diseases like COVID-19 and less likely to die? What was Gates really talking about? Could it be that certain vaccines have been developed to kill people? Perish the thought, that’s just conspiracy talk! Yet, why – in the wake of the mass COVID inoculations, do we see the rise of something called Sudden Adult Death Syndrome ( SADS )? Why are so many young male athletes suddenly dying of blood clots, heart inflammation or strokes? Why are there so many miscarriages and spontaneous abortions happening in vaxxed females? Why does an Israeli study show a dramatic drop in sperm counts among vaxxed males? Why do life insurance companies show a dramatic increase in claims since the COVID vaccines became widespread? Something is going on out there and the lamestream media refuses to cover it.

At the same time, transgenderism, chemical castration, and genital mutilation seem to be the major priorities of the Democrat Party and the radical Left. Why is the Left encouraging young males to destroy their ability to reproduce? Why have the public schools embraced the teaching of gender identity in order to confuse children and persuade them to “transition,” which may eventually lead to suicide and the inability of young people to forge healthy sexual relationships and marriages?

Finally, to top it off, we are now hearing talk of widespread global food shortages – including right here in the U.S. – in the coming months due to the explosion in the cost of fertilizer and diesel fuel and supply chain problems resulting from the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and Joe Biden’s destructive economic policies. The word “famine” is not far off and it’s another great way to depopulate the planet.

It almost sounds like part of a plan doesn’t it? No, of course not. That would be conspiracy talk! And, we know that, contrary to what President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, nothing in politics really happens on purpose or is planned! Everything in politics is just coincidental. Or is it? At the very least, we can say that perhaps with Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab calling the shots, the Malthusian Moment has finally arrived.


Dr. James Veltmeyer is a family physician in La Jolla, California, and author of “Physician on a Mission: Dr. Veltmeyer’s RX to Save America.” He was voted “Top Doctor” in San Diego County in 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, and 2019.

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