Education reform advocate Alex Newman recently gave lectures through SC. He was in Columbia at Columbia Evangelical Church in downtown Columbia and spoke to an enthusiastic crowd there on the pitfalls of modern public schools and the problems with the globalist antiChristian education taught in them.
Newman is well known in the grassroots’ fight for quality education reform. His knowledge and expertise in sounding the alarms to parents and citizens are well respected.
He holds a B.S. Degree in journalism from the University of Florida and an A.A. Degree in foreign languages from Miami-Dade College.
Newman is a published author and writes extensively for “The New American” magazine. He also teaches Advanced Economics at Freedom Project Academy.
His nationwide “Rescuing Our Children” tour schedule included many SC communities in Spartanburg, Greenville, Greer, Columbia, Summerville, and Myrtle Beach. He was sponsored by SC Parents in Education and Exodus Mandate ministries.
I had the opportunity to attend his presentation at the Commerce Club in Greenville, SC. I was not disappointed. To say his presentation was an eye-opener is an understatement. His presentation provided the proof necessary to the audience on how our nation’s children need rescuing from the government-run public schools of today.
Newman provided evidence from original sources showing the disastrous results of how our children have been slowly but surely indoctrinated to the point that nearly half of millennials support a Socialist form of government to exposing the United Nations’ hand in the global indoctrination agenda to forcing the LGBTQ agenda on impressionable children and more. Newman documented how government schools are no longer just teaching the 3 R’s.
“Right now, the government schools are systematically indoctrinating and dumbing down children, turning them against their parents, against families, against their churches, against our country, against our Constitution and our freedoms, and our Republic will not survive too far into the future if we allow this to continue,” Newman said.
It became painfully clear during his presentation there is a war on for not only YOUR child’s mind, but also their body and soul. Are parents going to allow the government to take over the rearing of children from birth to age 20? Are we going to allow our God-given parental rights to direct our own child’s education to be usurped?
With each new slide Newman presented on the screen he backed up his sources with words spoken by the people who have hijacked public education for their own globalist agenda of indoctrination not education. Newman made it clear, “now is the time to take urgent action to rescue children from this nefarious agenda.” Newman’s presentation alarmed many present by their reaction to his material. Facts and sources quoted were laid out for all to see and the solution given.
“The solution lies in the hands of parents and concerned citizens.” Newman says, “The time is passed for trying to correct the course of government education” and parents must seek a “mass exodus from the government-run schools.” He does not believe that public schools can be reformed, and that ultimately there needs to be a “separation of school and state.”
He suggests parents seek out private schools that have been thoroughly vetted “which do not adhere to the present Common Core, humanist, or globalist agenda.” He also suggests parents choose to homeschool your child.
Newman says parents can start their own community school based on a classical education. Many local churches are doing just that by offering up their Monday thru Friday Sunday School classrooms to be used for such purposes. Newman offers that Freedom Project Academy will help parents get one started in their local community.

“It is not too late to save liberty, America and the Western Christian civilization from utter destruction,” said Newman. “But,” he concluded, “if it is going to be done, the time to act is now. With God’s help, you have the power to do what needs to be done. Now use it, or lose it. Godspeed.”

Newman exposes political indoctrination in government-run public schools in his recent article entitled “Rescuing Our Children: Special Report on Education.” The report was featured in the February issue of the New American magazine.

Johnnelle Raines retired from the public school arena after nearly 30 years as a teacher.


Photo of Alex Newman by Michael Reed at The Standard