Robert E. Lee Statue to be Melted. Photo credit:


The Marxist leftists have taken over the entire historical landscape of the South since President Biden, Kamala Harris and the Democratic neo-fascists have joined together to control America’s entire governmental structure in 2021.

Latest in their campaign of control centers around the events that took place in August of 2017 when Southern conservative defenders held a permitted rally at the Robert E. Lee statue. Richard Spencer led the rally which was called “Unite the Right.”

Marxist Black Lives Matter gathered at Charlottesville and rioted against a group that had a city permit.

In a terrible turn of events, with mobs of Marxist-led students hemming in, taunting, and flat out harassing the group which was there simply to stand up for the monument, an over-agitated member of the statue defenders drove his vehicle into a mob that was surrounding him and injured several students and killed one girl, Heather Heyer.

On November 24, a civil action suit on behalf of the injured students handed down a verdict naming Richard Spencer and three other defendants guilty of being liable for the injuries and awarding the plaintiffs over $22 million in total. Thus continuing the communist-inspired agenda of trying to annihilate conservatives and anyone trying to defend Southern or traditional history in the USA by placing blame on all involved, not just the driver of the vehicle, lack of police control or even the student agitators’ part in the tragedy.

On December 7 (Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day), to add a hammer blow to the injustices already done to history supporters, especially Southern ones, the Charlottesville commissioners voted 4-0 to destroy the Robert E. Lee statue which had already been removed this summer, as reported by several news sources including the New York Times and Washington Post.

Pyramid and Sphynx of Giza

First having decided to sell the huge monument which stood several stories tall and weighed in at 12-tons, they did an about face on several potential bidders and chose to have it melted down and recast into an entirely new piece for a display for an African American Museum there—just another means of recent BLM dog-pissing to establish who has the real power in America.

If the current values displayed in parts of America like Charlottesville, Virginia, are applied to other nations in the world, then Marxists will demand—and carry out—their Taliban style demolition of some well known landmarks. Among those landmarks built with or connected to slave labor are the Coliseum in Rome, home to bloody gladiator slave fights to the death. “Our Lady of the Rosary Black People Church” in Brazil was also built by slaves, as well as the beautiful castles and forts on the Gold Coast in African Ghana, and the well known Pyramids of Egypt, the Parthenon, the Acropolis, and the Great Wall of China. All these mentioned among others were built by slave labor or connected with slaves in some way.

The real fact is that Marxist groups don’t want truth, they want revolution! They don’t care that Confederate General Robert E. Lee released the slaves under his care who were owned by his wife. Mrs. Lee treated those slaves under her care exceptionally well for the time period teaching them to read and write which was illegal in many places. The real issue contemporary Bolsheviks have with ‘Marse Robert’ is that he was a white man who had the temerity to fight against tyranny in his day, against the red Republican Marxists who were doing then what is being done today! And they hope you don’t start thinking about what they are doing and decide to fight back yourself! Discover and research real history, not just what you were told, discover it for yourself!


Lisa Carol Rudisill, M.T.S., is a magna cum laud graduate of NC State University and Liberty University where she earned a Master of Theology. She writes novels about her family history during the Civil War in North and South Carolina. She is a freelance writer, editorialist and a contributor to The Standard newspaper.

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