The Second Amendment is under fire across the country. Most Americans are unaware their rights secured by the Constitution are being whittled away by left leaning Democrats and RINO Republicans in the State legislature.


The “2A Shall Not Be Infringed Tour” recently toured the state with keynote speaker Mark Lynch. The tour stopped in key cities around South Carolina for morning, mid-day and evening meetings in various cities including Myrtle Beach, Summerville, Columbia, and others along the way. The tour was sponsored by the SC Speakers Bureau.

Lynch is a businessman from Greenville, SC and says he has “Always been a patriot but not involved.” He started getting involved when he gained knowledge of what was actually happening around him and the country. That knowledge was gained via a veteran in his church who connected him with former FBI agent John Guandolo.

Lynch says he learned about the threat to America via gun control from John Guandolo who publishes “Understanding the Threat”. Guandolo has impressive credentials being a U.S. Naval Academy grad who took a commission as an Officer in the United States Marine Corps, served in Operation Desert Shield/Storm, was a 2d Force Reconnaissance Company Commander, Assistant Operations Officer, and the unit’s Airborne and Diving Officer, and a Unit Leader for the CINC’s In-Extremis Force.

Following active duty military service Guandolo served in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). There he conducted narcotics investigations domestically and overseas, was the FBI Liaison to the U.S. Capitol Police investigating threats on high-level government officials, was part of the Counter-terrorism Division of the FBI’s Washington Field Office developing an expertise in the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Doctrine, the global Islamic Movement, and terrorist organizations including Hamas, Al Qaeda, and others. He was designated a “Subject Matter Expert” by the FBI. He also created and implemented the FBI’s first Counter-terrorism Training Program focused on the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Doctrine, and the global Islamic Movement. And this is the short list! In short, he knows his stuff.

Lynch later met JBS Program Director Evan Mulch who introduced him to the patriotic and educational organization. Thereafter Lynch ‘understood the threat’ himself and started taking an active role in educating others, first by holding meetings in his home and then expanding those meetings to include larger audiences.
He has been very involved in actively educating others and helping protect America since 2014. That involvement led him to run for SC Senate for District 12 in 2020. He says he “got committed when he saw the real issues.” He added it’s “Time to take a stand and pick what side you’re on.” Lynch expounds that “This is evil vs good” throughout our communities and country.

“Election integrity, pro-life, Second Amendment (2A), etc.,” are all part of this evil vs good paradigm. Lynch spoke regarding the current bantering back and forth in the State Legislature about gun rights and Constitutional Carry bills, that “We already have Constitutional Carry in the Constitution. We don’t need all these laws.”

Lynch noted that “Joe Biden has a plan for gun confiscation.” He pointed to a recent Spartanburg “buy back” program where city police departments around the state and country are buying firearms from citizens for cash.

A recent police “buyback” program in Spartanburg, SC.


Not only buy back programs but introducing new laws that erode and clamp down on Second Amendment guaranteed rights to self-defense.

Just last year Biden signed into law legislation he said would help to “save lives”. Many see this as “the most significant US gun control bill in nearly 30 years” due to its sweeping changes in the law and diminishing gun rights.

That legislation imposed tougher checks on young buyers and encouraged states to remove guns from people “considered a threat.” Does that include people who merely own firearms or have opposing views to Mr. Biden?

Typically bi-Partisan support in Congress by Democrats and RINOs gets legislation like this approved. That may be one reason why the America First movement is being fought so vehemently by RINOs and RINO run State Republican Party’s across America, including SC.

Those who seek to ‘grab your guns’ always have legislation waiting in the shadows to rush into the forefront whenever an incident involving guns makes the headlines. That typically happens whenever you hear of what are called “mass shootings” or “school shootings”.

Unfortunately, many of these type shootings are suspected of being “false flags” designed to steal away your gun rights and gun ownership while playing on your emotions. Not that the shootings are false, but that the shooters themselves are somehow manipulated, drugged or hypnotized, a result of mental instability and or perhaps mental programming similar to what we know takes place in totalitarian or Communist run countries, and the US has its foot in that water pretty deep already. Think 1962’s movie Manchurian Candidate.

Last year’s attack on the 2A included: Tougher background checks for buyers younger than 21, $15bn in federal funding for mental health programs and school security upgrades, funding for state “red flag” laws to implement and remove firearms from people “considered a threat”. It also included banning those convicted of domestic abuse from owning a firearm whether married or in a relationship.

Additionally, Biden signed an Executive Order in March this year expanding background checks including more thorough checks of firearms dealers. The EO included tightening down on requirements of those dealers, and directing the Departments of Justice and Transportation to get more involved in tracing firearms during shipment.

The EO promises to expand “red flag law” awareness and promotion pushing for more states to adopt these anti-Constitution measures. It includes more rigorous requirements using National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (NIBIN) to match gun casings and firearms and their compliance with last year’s “Safer Communities Act”. This EO additionally seeks to usurp local church authority and their role in ministering and helping heal people and communities by including government giveaways of food, medical care, counseling and money among other things.



Interestingly, when I was in public junior high and high school it was common for students to bring their firearms to school for target practice at the school rifle range, for ROTC, or to simply show off the firearm. It was not uncommon for students to have a firearm or multiple firearms with them, especially in their truck back window, so they could go hunting, or even for self defense. Many boys had guns at school, but there were no school shootings at that time.

Kids were also allowed to ‘fight it out’ if they had interpersonal relationship problems back then. Another difference was that kids were subject to discipline at school and at home in those days, something woefully missing today.

The biggest takeaway is probably that back then there was respect of other people, firearms, authority and a knowledge of right and wrong. It seems the ‘gun grabbers’, anti-Christ crowd, and anarchists among us have influenced society way beyond their numbers simply because good people have sat back, and said and done nothing to protect their God given rights to self-defense and loving their neighbor by protecting them with firearms.

Another issue at hand concerning firearms is domestic and foreign foes who train and seek to overthrow this country. During WWII the Japanese refused to invade the western coast of the US due in principle part because they knew Americans were armed. Americans owning firearms, if they were an actual army, would comprise the largest army in the world! External and internal totalitarians and communists know this and seek to remove your ability to protect yourself and your neighbor from them.

America has foes both within and without our country: in Islam, China, Soviet Russia, and others. How better to disarm an enemy than by creating incidents whereby the enemy disarms itself? This is the importance of the 2A and not falling for gun control schemes.


What Difference Does It Make?

Lynch says Guandolo took him through the Koran to discover what drives them and what they think. He says that is where he learned that the “Mosque is a military training ground to claim territory.” That there is no such thing as “radical Islam vs regular Islam.” He says most law enforcement officers think “Racial tension” when looking at Islam, or other groups.

He said that Guandolo explained that what is portrayed in the media is not necessarily true, but may be a distorted version of facts. He said that “months ahead of Ferguson the goal was posted on the board of Islamic mosques.” And that the “FBI found these documents.”

The message found was “We are going to burn this city Ferguson down with the Code name Black Lives Matter”.

Lynch said “Islam is using various strategic methods to destroy America.” He continued that the first step they want is to “remove God, and all else crumbles”. He says this opens the door for BLM, Antifa, and the homosexual/trans movement.

He notes that “York County has Islamville.” Additionally he notes that the “FBI [is] infiltrated now by Islam.”

We know from history that the Islamic Ottoman Empire slaughtered millions of Armenians just over 100 years ago. For the protection of our country he says, “God is waiting on us to act.”


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