Ok, so you’ve decided to be ‘cool’ and get the latest electric car by Elon and his Tesla company. It drives nice, has great pickup, doesn’t have that nasty gas smell, and hey, you don’t have to stop at the gas station and pay those super high prices!

Everything is looking good until it’s time to pull maintenance on this bad boy and you must replace the battery. Geez, what do batteries cost? You’ve bought all kinds of batteries before, right? You’ve replaced them in flashlights, power tools, golf carts, and other battery powered devices.


A repair estimate for an electric car at a local SC Chevrolet dealer. Battery replacement costs more than some new and used cars.

But, are you really prepared for the battery in an electric car? They can’t be that much, can they?

This is a car that may take you a few hundred miles before needing a charge. A car that needs to sit on that charger for a work shift for many people. A car that can easily spontaneously combust if charged in an area without proper venting and airflow to cool the charging process. A car whose battery is more than your parents’—-or maybe your—-first house cost!

The battery replacement may cost you a dent in your savings account or a small loan just to have transportation to and from. If you’ve got one of these electric cars be ready for sticker shock for the battery replacement especially if you think you’re going to be cool and get a used model!

Be forewarned, it’s not always what you don’t know that gets you into trouble, rather it’s what you know that just isn’t so. Perhaps like electric car surprises.


They’re Beautiful cars, but like most everything else today, they’re disposable. Why? The car battery replacement is simply out of reach for most working class people.Michael Reed is Publisher of The Standard newspaper, print and online, and TheStandardSC YouTube channel where many video reports may be found. Please share freely and donate to The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.