Illustration of Jonah preaching in Nineveh by Gustave Doré (1832-1883).

In Jonah chapter 3, the prophet came with a message  to the stiff necked people of Nineveh. What happened next surprised Jonah.

How like us were the people of Nineveh? A sinful, pagan, licentious nation of people. But they had a blessing that came through a somewhat unwilling prophet who warned them of their impending doom. They took that warning to heart after hearing the man of God.

I think it most important in this passage that we observe that after hearing the prophet “the people of Nineveh believed God”. That was the first step in the recovery and salvation of their country. That is the same step for the recovery and salvation of ours, we must first believe God.

Once they believed God they took action in what he said, by proclaiming a fast for focus and cleansing, keeping their eyes and minds on the LORD. And while doing this they were in a state of personal and national humiliation before God by wearing the sackcloth instead of their finery, “from the greatest of them even to the least of them”, thus everybody from the king to the peasant was in unity of prostration before the LORD.

And what about us in America? When will we recognize the true state of affairs in our personal and national life? When will we decide it is time to repent? When will we determine it is right and proper to take action by focusing on the LORD our God with All our heart, soul and mind? Will we fast for the evil and wickedness We allow, and do, in our country? Will we take attention off of ourselves and wear “sackcloth” and pray in humiliation for the land the LORD has given us?

America, which in the old Germanic language means God’s “heavenly kingdom”, is way past the ‘fork in the road’ of good versus evil, Christian versus pagan. We are on a course set for the downward slope of destruction of our personal lives, our family’s, our culture, our social structure, our institutions, our country and our world as we have ever known or read about.

We as a whole have forsaken the ways of the God of the Bible: we have forsaken his commands, his statutes, and his judgments. What was once the greatest country in the world is now marginal in most categories and there is little and no justice in this country.

We have turned to the left, ignoring truth and favored evil by ignoring such atrocities as killing children and selling baby parts for profit! By declaring perverts may join together in God’s sacred Union! By allowing foreign religions, god’s, deities, magistrates or objects of worship, into the land to have equal status with the Almighty King in violation of his word (see Exodus 20:3; Deuteronomy 13)! We suffer the consequences of this destruction and having “other god’s” or rules, rulers and their laws, into our once great land, along with the confusion of ‘right vs wrong’, what is allowable vs not.

People are confused by thinking the laws of man govern instead of the Laws of our God. And most don’t know the difference because they are ignorant of God’s Word. This confusion and rebellion to God is as the “sin of witchcraft” says the LORD! (See I Samuel 15:23).

The prophet Jonah was sent to Nineveh to warn them, and us, of impending destruction from the LORD. They believed him, turned from their evil and wicked ways, starting with the people, and going out from the king, the leader of the country, to the humblest servant and even the “beast” of the field.

They said “Who can tell if God will turn and repent, and turn away from his fierce anger, that we perish not?” Who can tell?

If we as a people would declare a fast for repentance, prayer and humiliation before God, who can tell, that IF WE did, The LORD God of the Bible might hear from heaven when he sees our humility, our repentance, our turning from our wicked ways, that he might look on that act with mercy and forgive us our sins? That he might drum out and destroy those evil doers and those wicked from among us, and heal our land, just as he promised he would do, and just as we see he did in the Book of Jonah. What if?

Would we do that if We Knew that God would heal our land? Have we even tried to do this? I think that our God is honorable and true in all things, that if we will do what he has described in his holy word he Will Do What he has said. In other words, he will keep his word, if we do it his way. But really his way, no playing around, and a serious nationwide out pouring.

Would you work for that end knowing that we would see restoration of our land to goodness if we did?

I hope so, because I’m going to ask you to join me in establishing a day of national prayer and repentance on the day of the fall equinox. Why then?

That is a major turning point on Gods timetable and we cannot alter it. It’s the time of the Feast of Trumpets as measured on the solar calendar, which like the Almighty doesn’t change from year to year. It is a time of announcing great things and a ‘stepping over the line’, when the day is measured in shorter times of daylight in the northern hemisphere. “Stepping over the line” is traditionally when one is asked to meet with God in prayer and repentance, to make a strong commitment for the LORD. It is a time of revival, and We want to see God’s salvation of this land.

Will you join me and pass this along and pray we might see revival in our land? This is what our forefathers did periodically in the founding era of our country, they called for national days of prayer and fasting for reconciliation. We also saw forty years of revival take place before 1776.

I’m in totally, I hope I can count on you. I’m setting aside September 22nd this year on the steps of my state Capitol in SC, to join with others to blow the trumpet and alert the nation at high noon.

I’m asking you to join me at the state Capitol and have a time of prayer, fasting and repentance to our LORD Jesus Christ. It is time for obedience unto God in this land and for us to beg for a turning of this land to the Great I AM.

Righteousness must flourish in America for our country to survive, and wickedness must be removed. Communism and communists must go, and our nation must return to the LORD!


Michael Reed is Publisher of The Standard newspaper, print and online, and TheStandardSC YouTube channel where many video reports may be found. Please share freely and donate to The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.