Dr. Dan Erickson and his partner Dr. Artin Masshi are the owners of a chain of Urgent Care clinics in California with clinics in Bakersfield, Fresno and Temecula. They recently shared their data of thousands of case examples in a television interview about COVID19.

Erickson asked “Why are we being pressured to add COVID to death reports? I think to inflate numbers.”


“Do we need to increase numbers and make it look worse than it is?” Dr. Erickson confirmed, “I think so.”

Dr. Erickson went further in his observations and asked, “Do we still need to shelter in place? I think emphatically No. Do we need businesses to shut down. No.”


Do we need businesses to shut down. No.


Another doctor, Dr. Scott Jensen, was interviewed on the Laura Igraham program. He further exposed the push for including COVID on death reports, and why.


Video courtesy of Laura Ingraham program and Fox News.


Dr. Scott Jensen, a medical doctor and State Senator from Minnesota says he is troubled by the new Center for Disease Control (CDC) issued guidelines for all deaths and how doctors are to count COVID deaths.


CDC Guidance for Certifying COVID-19 Deaths:

“In case where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within… a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.”


Determination of cause of death is important for a variety of reasons. Dr. Jenson says “cause of death is a big deal. it has impact on estate planning, future generations…”

Cause of death can make a big difference in how funeral arrangements are handled, and whether the family can visit the graveside.CDC Guidance for Certifying COVID-19 Deaths

“The idea that we’re going to allow people to massage and game the numbers is a real issue because it can undermine the trust” of medical professionals.

“As we see politicians doing things that are not motivated on fact and science, the public trust in politicians is wearing thin.”


“public trust in politicians is wearing thin.”


Jensen explained that everyday trained medical doctors make judgment calls on what is the cause of death yet have never been encouraged to insert a particular cause of death. Now with the politicization of COVID-19 power huge money is at stake.

Responding to the charge of “conspiracy theorist” by Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Jensen said, “anytime health care intersects with dollars, it gets awkward.” He continued that “Medicare has determined that if you have a COVID–19 admission to the hospital, you’ll get paid $13,000.”

He went on to say that “if that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator you’ll get paid $39,000—three times as much.” The doctor said that his experience after 35 years of medical practice is “those kinds of things impact what we do.”

All the doctors interviewed said those who are dying from COVID-19 are further compromised with underlying issues of pneumonia, cancer, heart disease, lupus, immune deficient, emphysema, HIV, and more. Even, as Dr. Jensen stated, when one is “hit by a bus.”

This article originally appeared in The Standard May 2020 and is slightly edited.


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