Pastor Ken Graves of Calvary Chapel in Bangor, Maine, preaches to hundreds of attendees in a recent Pastor’s Conference in Charlotte, N.C. Photo courtesy of The Pathway.

Only 28% of pastors would defend inerrancy of the word of God.


A recent conference in Charlotte, N.C. attended by several hundred attendees, pastor’s and sponsored by the American Renewal Project was kicked off with Pastor Ken Graves of Calvary Chapel in Bangor, Maine. In his opening remarks Graves cited startling statistics about the church.

Of church pastors, Graves said, “78% don’t preach the word of God.” He said instead they are seeking other sources of information to pass along to congregants. The astounding part of the statistic he says, is that “96% believe the Bible is the word of God, yet only around 10% actually preach it.”

Of those pastors surveyed only “28% would defend inerrancy of the word of God.” He says apparently Bible truth “is not sufficient for them.”

“The Church is susceptible to being deceived” because they don’t preach or believe the scriptures, Graves indicates. The church is being influenced by outside forces bringing in the wrong doctrine of socialism and Marxism. Graves said, “Socialism is antiChrist.”

Church Steeple Replacement Avoids Costly Renovations“We are the people called by God to deliver the word of God to equip them,” said Graves. He continued that “We must teach them their civic duty to choose godliness.”

The current trend in churches cross the land is to avoid actual responsibility and duty as the church, unfortunately many church assemblies lack courage from the pulpit and the congregation. “Courage is something you go get,” said Graves. He followed that by saying “You only die once, cowards die over and over.”

“We have some dark realities on our proverbial road to Emmaus,” Graves said. “This is a time of profound compromise, profound apostasy, rampant biblical ignorance, and what is called Christianity often looks more like Church-ianity.”

“American Christians are losing their idea of Christianity because of lies,” he stated. “53% of American evangelicals believe there is value in all religions and they have become universalist’s.”

He exhorted pastors at the conference, “Don’t be afraid of the truth of God.” He said, “American pastors and Christians are hiding behind “separation” from the public square.” The strong preaching pastor said, “That is the spirit of antiChrist!”

Graves concluded by reminding the pastor’s group to, “Be turned loose with the spirit of God!”


Michael Reed is Editor of The Standard