Pictured is the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. Photo courtesy Independence Hall visitors center.


This year 2023, we commemorate 247 years since our Founding Fathers signed their own potential death warrant we call the Declaration of Independence. There is typically one of perhaps a couple of images that come to mind when July 4th or Independence Day is mentioned. The Liberty Bell is one of those images.

The foundry of Pass and Stow recast a new bell that came to the colonies and became known as the Liberty Bell. Forged onto the side of the Liberty Bell are these remarkable and perhaps prophetic words.

Proclaim LIBERTY Throughout all the Land unto all the Inhabitants Thereof Lev. XXV. v X.
By Order of the ASSEMBLY of the Province of PENSYLVANIA for the State House in PhiladA
Pass and Stow

And why would the words be considered prophetic? The Roman numerals on the side of the bell, and foundry records, tell us the bell was cast in 1753. That is a full twenty plus years before the ‘shot heard ’round the world was heard at Lexington and Concord in 1775.

The bell was originally cast to sound the call to assembly for meetings and the state’s legislature. It weighs in at over 2000 pounds and makes a big sound that can be heard for several miles. Contrary to folklore, the bell was not rung on July 4th, but rather on July 8th, to call the citizens of Philadelphia together to hear the Declaration of Independence read out loud for the first time. That because the Declaration was not announced until then. Every American should read the Declaration to be reminded of why the Americans declared independence from tyranny.

And the crack? The bell acquired its distinctive large crack some time in the early 19th century — a widespread story claims it cracked while ringing, after the death of Chief Justice John Marshall in 1835.

A replica of the Liberty Bell is behind the SC Statehouse as a reminder of the importance of this symbol of Liberty and the message on its side to PROCLAIM LIBERTY.

The question each real American must ask themselves as we commemorate this hallowed event today, is this: what are you doing today, and every day, to “PROCLAIM LIBERTY Throughout all the Land unto all the Inhabitants Thereof”?

That is the charge on the side of the Liberty Bell! Let each American proclaim it daily, everywhere your feet trod and before all men. To reestablish real freedom in this land each American must do their duty. That duty is to ring our own bell loudly and clearly by spreading the truth, denouncing tyrannous acts and to, PROCLAIM LIBERTY!

Happy Independence Day commemoration! Ring your Bell!


Michael Reed is Publisher of The Standard.