View from up high behind Trump platform in Pickens. Photo courtesy of unspecified Facebook post. Please advise if this photo belongs to you.


It was announced that 75,000 people came out of their air conditioned comfort zone to sit outside in sweltering heat of close to 100 degrees for up to eight hours in Pickens, South Carolina for the opportunity to see and hear President Trump tell them his thoughts, hopes and aspirations for the United States of America. They were not disappointed as Donald J. Trump expounded on the sad condition  of what has happened to America today following the “Marxist” Joe Biden intrusion into the American culture.

On stage with President Trump were national, state and local politicians who support Trump as well as local and statewide elected representatives, and those elected from other states. Among those were SC Gov. Henry McMaster, US Senator Lindsey Graham, SC, Marjorie Taylor Green, R-Georgia, SC House Rep Jay Kilmartin, R-85, and many others. And then, there were thousands upon thousands of supporters, fans, and patriots from all across the country and the world who traveled days in their car, camped out in nearby upstate campgrounds and open areas, and who flew in from as far away as New Zealand and parts unknown just to experience the anticipation, energy, excitement, along with the comradery of fellow patriots. To say the least the atmosphere was electric!

There was a rare comradery, oneness and love among total strangers from around the world that one might expect to see at a high school football team reunion, church revival or among ‘brothers in arms’. The unity was visible, the honesty real, and the mutual feelings were expressed openly as new friends and old exchanged greetings, hugs, laughter and oneness that is seldom seen, especially in the political realm. This writer met some amazing people who will certainly become long-term friends. Here’s a shout out to: Chris, Bex, Dave, Tracey, Jill, Heather, Jane, Greg, Gerry, and Mike who made the Pickens Trump rally memorable and fun.

Many of those people at the rally, most whom had never met each other prior to coming together at the Trump gathering, allowed total strangers to stay in their personal living quarters and homes, their Winnebago’s, and hotel rooms. Others received invitations to their out of town homes at future Trump rallies, while there was lots of invitations to join fellow travelers for lunch and dinner. Then, there were those interactions where people met, helped each other navigate situations, and just hung out together all day while at the Trump rally who will create those lasting friendships and networks.

This is the same spiritual mood and activity that has been present at every Trump rally that this writer has attended, whether in Ohio, January 6, 2021 in Washington, DC, Pickens or in other venues. This is not your  typical political rally! There is a spiritual dynamic present, what some might say is a, or a type of “revival” only less traditional preaching and Bible verses.

The mood at every Trump rally has been family oriented, safe for young and old, Black, Brown, Orange, and White. The theme has been honoring of traditional values while displaying love of God, family and country.

Refreshingly, there were no signs of the decadence and wickedness of drag queens that has become so prevalent today. Neither were there signs of same sex “pride” couples, and no “in your face” displays of perversion we are sadly seeing in many places of America. Additionally, there were no nuances of pedophiles or other debauchery that has become common place in the Biden administration and the Democrat Party circles today.

There was an uplifting spiritual mood and attitude that will change America forever if, as his supporters expect, Trump returns to office. And everyone at the rally was a believer that Trump will return in 2024!

I’ll be writing more about the Trump Pickens rally later.


Michael Reed is Publisher of The Standard newspaper, print and online. You may find our videos available on Rumble. The bulk of TheStandardSC video media channel has been censored by dominant social media groups like YouTube. YouTube, owed by Alphabet (Google), removed and destroyed all of our video work without permission or remuneration. That has stopped all potential donations from our many supporters on that venue. If you want to continue to see independent thought and reports please “like”, comment, share with a friend, and donate to support The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.

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