US Air Force grads celebrating. Photo courtesy Air Force photo/Amber Whittington.


I want to address something that truly bothered me. I recently took a cruise which shall we say left me not so well. I will address that later. What I will talk about here is something that truly pissed me off while on that cruise. The cruise was to Alaska which traditionally has more order folks than younger ones. Most people know that. While on the cruise they had a passenger talent night, sort of.

Being the ham I am, I did a standup routine. The others were an assortment of one very long poem, which the guy had memorized, two stories, a really bad not family type joke, and a few other odds and ends. The very last person was a young girl who identified herself as a “Millennial”.

The millennial proceeded to say that from the time she got on the ship all she saw were old people, many of whom were in wheel chairs. She complained that the cruise was no fun because there weren’t many of her age group. She then insulted these folks and blamed the cruise line, when she said she would never take another of their ships again.

Ok you stupid imbecile, if you had done your homework you would have discovered the fact that the Alaskan cruises are usually filled with older folks. If you want a party ship you should have taken Carnival somewhere else. However, typical of many youth today she took no responsibility for taking this cruise. She insulted people, many of whom had served our country, without even a thought to their sacrifices. Yes she had a right to speak her mind because we still have freedom of speech.

However you drunken (yes she was drunk) moron what you don’t have is the right to stand there and insult people because they are older. She said she spoke for millennials when she stood there being a spoiled brat saying what she said. Of course the friends she was with cheered her on. It was disgusting to hear this total drunken ignoramus stand there belittling people because she wasn’t having fun. Wish she could see this, because to her I say ‘go to hell’.

Now, there is more to this story on a more positive note. Prior to the cruise we went to Las Vegas to see a graduation ceremony. My girlfriend’s daughter, Kaleigh, is a Captain in the Air Force. She is not much older than the aforementioned millennial. She had just completed a six month grueling class for weapons school.

Kaleigh and other officers and non-coms were being celebrated for having completed this very hard class. There were hundreds of people from the Air Force there, and many of their family and friends. It was amazing as we watched all who went through the school be recognized and awarded. Most of the Air Force personnel who attended were not much older than the drunken millennial I later saw on the cruise shooting her mouth off. Not only did my girlfriend’s daughter make it through the school, but she did so with honors, winning two top awards for best in division. Kaleigh deserves high praise for what she accomplished.

I know there were many times during the six months she questioned herself. However that is her nature and she uses her will power to beat down the negatives. As I said above the room was filled with hundreds of Air Force personnel, from non-coms who also went through the school, to officers, and up to general officers. We sat at a table for dinner with other young officers including a Major and a Lt. Colonel, and I was proud to be in their company. When the national anthem was sung they all stood at perfect attention while it was performed. Seeing that made me proud to be an American and to be in such wonderful company.

The point of this story, is that to have witnessed this gave me hope that America has a chance of survival with people like these very dedicated young people. I tell this story because even though I saw this young moron on the cruise, I had to think back to what I had seen in Las Vegas a few nights earlier.

Sadly the only stories we see are the negative stories from the dominant media who spread the same baloney this young millennial did on the cruise. We never hear about people like all those Air Force personnel I had dinner with.

If we listen to the big media we can begin to be depressed by all the anti-American crap the spew out. I will tell you however, that the truth is what I saw in Las Vegas. The truth is there are still young folks who care and are willing to make sacrifices if need be. So for now, I will try not to focus on the shipboard self-serving little twit, and concentrate on those who serve America with pride. Their story is the one we need to spread. Their story is what America should be about. Their story is about honor and pride in the greatest country in the world.

As we mark the birth of our country this week, I stand with pride and salute every one of those young Americans everywhere. They prove there is hope for America.

God bless them all. God bless America!


Stuart Behar moved to SC from Los Angeles to escape the leftist regime in California, where he was born. He has written over 3,000 poems and published five books, one is a book of poems entitled Reflections of the Spirit. His mission is to reach people with the message to save America from the sewer it is becoming. If you want to continue to see independent thought and reports please “like”, comment, share with a friend, and donate to support The Standard on this page to assure the continued availability of news that is ignored too often by the dominant media.

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