Many inspired by CDC’s cover-up of post-vaccine injuries and deaths



Greenville, SC – For the past two Sundays, a group of over 400 freedom-loving patriots and several of their children gathered in downtown Greenville with signs, bullhorns, and American flags to rally for medical freedom. The group, which was permitted to assemble in front of The Peace Center, was protesting medical mandates, and particularly the injections President Biden claims wishes to force upon Americans.

At the heart of the rally was the concept that every citizen, regardless of political persuasion, should have the freedom to choose his or her own medical solutions.  The rally was conceived to oppose ‘mask mandates, mandatory vaccinations, vaccine passports, HIPAA violations, denial of alternative treatment for COVID-positive patients, authoritarian overreach, and general infringement on Constitutional rights,’ according to a press release prior to the event.

The GCGOP, which sponsored the event, voted in August to adopt ‘Fighting Mask and Vaccine Mandates’ as one of its four priorities for 2021-22. Many members of the party were present at the rally, but the event was widely advertised. The event had participants from Anderson, Spartanburg and Laurens Counties. However, the Medical and Health Freedom Rally is the second of three and will repeat on October 3, in addition to its September 19th and 26th rallies.  “We’re only just getting started,” says Linda Craig, a member of the GCGOP and event organizer.


Cars Slowed to Read Signs

The rally began at 3 p.m., while downtown was fairly busy. Throughout the remainder of the afternoon, the number of highly-diverse participants steadily grew, including many families. The plaza was filled with rally-goers who chanted “We will not comply,” “Freedom!” and “USA! USA!” as passersby and drivers slowed to read signs.



The signs themselves were colorful and varied. One said “Americans DON’T have to show their papers,” recalling The Peace Center’s announcement that it would not give entry to ticket-holders unless they showed vaccination cards, a negative COVID test, or proof of antibodies (a venue representative claimed it was ‘the new industry standard’ but other venues we checked did not have the same requirement).

Other rally signs read “Freedom, not tyranny through fear,” “Caution, Medical Tyranny Ahead” and “Stop the Mandates.” One particularly poignant sign quoted Thomas Jefferson, saying “Those who sacrifice freedom for safety deserve neither.” Dakota Fitzgerald, the recently elected second Vice Chair of Communications for the GCGOP, also stood in the corner with her bullhorn, encouraging others to resist compliance.


Public Engagement

The public response to the rally was mostly positive.  Several cars honked and waved at sign-holders. Others stood and watched from the AC Hotel across the street.  A few thumbs down and middle fingers were also shared, mainly by teens, young adults, and senior citizens, some of whom were wearing masks inside their vehicles.

One older participant, however, brought his dog and successfully used the event to strike up conversations with curious bystanders. While seated in the shade, he directed new acquaintances to check out, an Upstate-based educational organization teaching conservative citizens across the state how to correct corruption and overreach with coordinated grassroots efforts.

Craig says, “I saw two young adults who watched for about half an hour, before I walked up and said ‘What are you guys thinking?’ to get their reactions. They told me they were both servers in nearby restaurants and were very concerned because they didn’t want the jab. They also said they were very interested and were coming back for the next rally.”


Grassroots Activism in Greenville

As the rally reveals, Greenville is a hotbed of patriots actively protesting government overreach, RINO (Republican in Name Only) politicians, and unethical hospital systems. This rally was the second for medical freedom held in the city; the first was held at the main Prisma Healthcare campus, in support of employees who were concerned about their rights. Both were well attended.



As a recent viral video by a COVID nurse at AnMed in Anderson County reveals, medical policy and hospital restrictions have produced horrifying results, curtailing patient rights and caregiver autonomy. The GCGOP is still struggling with the recent loss of two of its members, one of whom was specifically denied the wishes of his medical power of attorney, and kept in total isolation from family and friends at Spartanburg Regional’s hospital in Greer.

With no easily accessible, early-onset COVID therapies currently available in South Carolina, residents have turned away from these hospitals and are fending for themselves. In fact, it’s hard to find a doctor willing to prescribe early treatments like Ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, which are commonly and successfully used to treat COVID in other countries. One Greenville doctor who will prescribe has a six-month waiting list, and the pharmacy situation is nearly as difficult to navigate. If it happens, eventual hospitalization entails complete isolation with no advocates, and a patient’s treatment choices are typically limited to CDC-protocol drugs, which are costly and can come with their own significant side-effects.

In response to these concerns, rally attendee Michael Voaden asked, “Why suppress and degrade many of these inexpensive and effective therapeutics and supplements?” He continued, “There is now overwhelming evidence of vaccinated people of all ages having adverse effects, and in some cases death. Wouldn’t it be a better choice to use supplements and proven therapeutics, as well as boosting your natural immune system? This is both a health and personal freedom issue.”

Just last week, the GCGOP submitted a letter to Governor McMaster requesting free monoclonal treatment centers–the same used in Florida–for South Carolinians who have COVID symptoms or who have just tested positive. At the group’s September 13 monthly meeting, Harrison Musselwhite of the GCGOP’s Legislative Liaison Committee, read aloud a list of elected officials who co-signed the letter. (Go to the 2:36:22 mark in this livestream video to see who signed, and who didn’t).

All these factors have only cemented the commitment of many Upstate residents to voice their concerns regarding medical freedom. As the GCGOP’s rallies attest, people are courageously demanding notice by political leaders and area employers. Greenville City Council candidate Joe Farmer was, for example,  in attendance for the entire two-hour event, and has pledged to vote no to any medical mandates. Medical efforts have also been noticed by medical professionals: some are feeling relief, while others are feeling the heat.


Recent Events Inspire More Rally-Goers

Recent reporting changes since the first and second events have further angered many rally-goers. “Vaccinated people with major medical issues resulting from the shots are being recorded as unvaccinated injuries, due to reporting changes,” said participant Nadine Gammon. “And the media is constantly quoting these statistics, which are completely misleading. Then people are repeating those so-called statistics, to pressure and humiliate others into complying, or to support their own demands. I know people whose employers are telling them to get a shot they don’t want in order to keep their jobs, which means feeding their families,” she says, exasperated, “[but] it’s got to be a choice. The lies have got to be exposed. The overreach has got to be stopped. We The People call our own shots, not the other way around.”



Gammon, who works as a massage therapist, also added, “The COVID-19 virus has never been isolated, so the shots are not a vaccine.  You can’t force people to put something experimental into their bodies.” Echoing the sentiments of fellow ralliers, Gammon’s last point also echoes a historic precedent.  Despite Joe Biden’s recent proclamations of force, the Nuremberg Code of 1947 says you cannot experiment on humans without their compliance.

The first point of the Nuremberg Code of 1947, from the judges’ verdict entitled “Permissible Medical Experiment” reads:

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. 


“The lies have got to be exposed. The overreach has got to be stopped. We The People call our own shots, not the other way around.” ~ Nadine Gammon


Reminding others to remember their rights, especially to informed consent, Gammon and others have also advocated for the rights of Americans to access prophylactic therapies, better hospital care, and autonomy in educational and medical systems. “My family won’t stand for it, and we encourage others not to comply,” says Gammon. “Americans make their own medical choices, and my kids – who are now home-schooled, are not going to wear masks, which harm them physically, emotionally and developmentally. Doctors must have the freedom to prescribe what they want to, without hospital interference. Any American should have easy access to early-onset drugs and therapies that are working in other countries,” she adds. “And ,” she concludes, “we certainly expect hospital patients’ legal advocates to be recognized when they make a request; prisoners have more rights than hospitalized COVID patients. There are a lot of reasons to be at these rallies.”



Organizer Craig expects an even larger turnout at this Sunday’s repeat rally, which is co=sponsored by organizations including United Patriots Alliance, Patriots on Point, Laurens Liberty Society, Greenville Tea Party, Rock the Red, The Standard, MySCGOP and Anderson GOP. Additionally, Craig is encouraging anyone with a personal story about medical abuse or insight into wrongful practices to contact her at She would especially like to hear stories from people whose jobs are being threatened, and who are fearful of losing their livelihoods due to mandates. Medical professionals are also encouraged to speak out.


This report is compiled from witnesses accounts at the event by The Standard. 

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