The Dem’s have become the party of projection, committing the very crimes of which they accuse Trump.  I have lived almost three quarters of a century and have never witnessed such a highly partisan fiasco perpetrated by the current socialist Democratic Party.

It is now obvious to many that this drummed up partisan impeachment clown show is navigated by the radical “squad” aided by copious untruths told by Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi.  Many believe the socialist Democrats will continue this soft coup attempt against our elected president.

The power hungry socialist Democrats have an agenda to force socialism on our Republic at any and all cost. Patriots, the clowns who took the stage in the socialist Democratic debate are all socialist usurpers and a disgrace to our Republic.

This clown show was born during the Obama Administration and part of the infamous “insurance policy” described by Obama FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. Patriots we must save the Republic at the polls in November 2020.

This ridiculous clown show of the current socialist Democrats is fueled by the realization that these clowns can’t win at the polls and that they are desperate to remove the choice of the American electorate by the only weapon left to them which is impeachment. God Bless America.


Tommy Coleman is a retired public school teacher.